Energetic Massage

90 min. – € 170,00


Energetic therapy is a body-oriented therapy in which the self-healing capacity of body and mind is activated. With a wide variety of unique treatment methods on the aura, meridians and chakras, a complaint can be treated on multiple levels. Through the empathy of the therapist during treatment, unconscious blockages can come to light and be discussed after treatment to gain insight into the next step in the healing process.



The energetic treatment consists of the transfer of universal energy. This universal energy is always present in our body and a complaint or illness indicates that there is a blockage or disbalance in this energy. The energetic therapy aims at releasing tension, removing blockages and restoring balance in the body and mind

Practically, the transmission of this energy is done through the laying on of hands, gentle touch or through the Ankh. This is done lying down or sitting down, depending on the treatment.

Each treatment is always tailored to the client’s pattern of complaints. After the treatment, space is made to share experiences. The therapist will name what came up during the empathy and discuss issues or matters you are struggling with.

So whether you are experiencing physical symptoms, emotional stress or just want to maintain your overall health, energetic massage is a powerful way to promote wellness.


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